Friday, 17 May 2013

Claire Pringle

Claire Pringle is an Elvis fan, the owner of a very sharp wit and is the life and soul of the party. A Glasgow girl at heart she now lives in London and after twelve years working for an airline is about to embark on a new career in the public sector.

Claire has worn a wig since childhood when alopecia robbed her of her own hair. In the ten or so years that we've been friends I can only think of a handful of occasions when it’s been the topic of conversation. Once on holiday when it was roasting hot and she was debating swapping the wig for a head scarf, and another time when she had to do Raft Drills as part of her airline training. Jumping in a pool, climbing onto a raft whilst wearing a life-jacket  and trying to ‘save’ people who are pretending to be unconscious, is a daunting enough task without trying to keep your hair on at the same time. On both occasions she opted for the au natural look and I thought I would burst with pride.

Growing up Claire dreamed of being a vet but ironically, her first job was as a hairdressing junior. She's never been one to shy away from things! Asked what her biggest challenge has been so far she said ‘Starting a new life away from my family and friends and making somewhere else home. I worked for British Midland, or BMI as it became and when the Glasgow base closed I opted to transfer to Heathrow. My favourite saying is 'what's for you won't pass by you' and I guess it’s true as if I hadn't moved to London I wouldn't have met my fiancé.'

I asked Claire what she considers her greatest achievement in life to be and she said ‘owning my own home’. A reflection of her approach to life, where hard work is just what you do and when times are tough you just get on with it. She believes that Margaret Thatcher was a great role model for women because she stood for what she believed in, she never wavered in her goals and beliefs, she made herself the most memorable woman in British politics ever. I admire her drive, her strength of character and her pure determination to achieve her goals.'

Claire is very close with her Mum, who gives great advice, and her goal for the future is to have a little family of her own.

My final question for Claire was to ask what she couldn't live without ‘My wig! If I could be anyone else for the day I’d be me, but with hair.’

Last month Claire made a decision to speak out about her alopecia to a woman’s weekly magazine. Many of her friends and colleagues nearly fell off their chairs when they read the article as they were oblivious to the fact that she wears a wig. 

I invited Claire to feature in this blog not because she has alopecia, but because I admire her ability to say to the world ‘This is the real me’ and not give two hoots what anyone else thinks. 

If you look closely you might notice that with hair, she looks a bit like Priscilla Presley. Coincidence? I doubt it.


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