Thursday 31 October 2013

Jane Campbell Morrison - CEO Snowsport Scotland

I first met Jane in a sailing club portacabin on the side of a loch last summer when she worked for RYA Scotland. I liked Jane from the second we met because of her no nonsense, gung-ho, anything is possible attitude. She oozes positive energy and is great fun to be around. In September last year Jane was diagnosed with cancer and in typical Jane style she faced it head on. Jane courageously decided to write about her experience from diagnosis, through chemotherapy treatment, to present day. Her articles are a fascinating, frank and powerful read. Jane's latest role as CEO of Snowsport Scotland sees her continue to challenge herself, bravely careering through life with a big smile on her face. Let me introduce you ....

Growing up in Canada, Scotland and France I dreamed of being a ski instructor. My parents decided to emigrate to Newfoundland in Canada and to have their children there. I loved it as I played Ice Hockey, have vivid memories of sledging outside our house, and we skied everywhere! We moved to Scotland when I was about 5 or 6, because my parents felt that there would be more opportunities for work and education back here. We sailed in the summer in our very small day boat (I have happy memories of hiding under the front of the boat with my wee brother and eating peanut butter cookies while my mum and dad did all the hard work) and skied every winter as often as possible, driving up in old cars that were freezing cold, and eating sandwiches and soup. To this day I hate penguin chocolate biscuits which were meant to be a treat but because they got so cold and then heated up they tasted a bit peculiar! My dad, my brother and I had some really great days together skiing hard and enjoying the Scottish conditions.

My first job was as a relief manageress for Flour Power bakery shops (now Greggs) which was scary when you are only 17 and have to manage ladies who are considerably older than you!

The best advice I ever got was ‘Do what makes you smile’.

The achievement I am most proud of is surviving cancer.

My mantra is a long one called Desiderata, a prose poem by American writer Max Ehrmann. Look it up.

Other people think that I am crazy and incredibly busy....more crazy though!

I’d be lost without my fountain pen, my cat and my husband although not necessarily in that order.

My biggest challenge has been/ is surviving cancer and changing jobs.

In the last year I have learned just how strong I actually am, both physically and mentally.

My ambition for the future is to have a really fast sports car! 

If I could be someone else for the day I would be Sharon Osbourne. Quite apart from being a cancer survivor (sort of – she took drastic steps to avoid getting cancer), she is quirky, not afraid to tell it how it is, looks fantastic for her age, has dealt with some very challenging situations at home and is still her own person.

In the public eye I believe that Mrs Obama is a great role model for women because she is not afraid to speak out but she does it quietly and sensibly.

Got a question for Jane? You'll find her on twitter @SnowSpScotCEO , or read her personal blog here .

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