Monday 16 September 2013

Victoria Arnold - Founder of Desk Union

Today's 'Women In My Life' feature is with Victoria Arnold, serial entrepreneur and founder of both Desk Union and HomestayFriend. Let me introduce you ....

Growing up in the “Kingdom of Fife” I dreamed of being an Opera Singer! My dad loved rugby and I used to listen to the ‘world in union’ song on repeat! The closest I ever got was the coveted role of narrator in Joseph in primary 6… thankfully there’s no video evidence.

My first job was a weekend job at Specsavers. I got the gig after two weeks successful work experience. I was 15 and earning £2.50 per hour whilst those older than me got more for the same role. I will always remember the day that I privately vocalised this injustice to the MD. “I do the same job as everyone else here so why am I paid less?!”. It worked! I was immediately raised to £3.60 per hour. It was a massive victory for me and the first example of my self belief and determination in action in the business world.

The best advice I ever got was' What have you got to lose?' It was on these words from my family that I decided to pursue my dreams of running my business full-time. The next day I handed in my notice at work and have never looked back.

My favourite saying … you snooze you lose!

Other people think that I am extremely organise but I am actually juggling a whole circus act.

Change is inevitable. embrace it. Everything happens for a reason.

I’d be lost without my support network. Entrepreneurship is HARD. You need to surround yourself with people who can pick you up and lift you through those dark moments. I don’t have many friends, for one I don’t have much time for them and for two, most of them just don't understand me any more. But those who I consider my close friends are my sanity check, my compass and I couldn't do it without them.

The achievement I am most proud of is creating jobs. I now employ 4 people. Its an absolutely amazing feeling but also terrifying as a small business and having someone else rely on you to pay their bills. Talk about pressure!

My biggest challenge has been focus. I am naturally opportunity hungry. I get so excited by new ideas, partnerships and opportunities. I know that down the line I can fully embrace this role but for now I have to reign it in, make sales and prove my business can work. I guess one really successful business can fund my future inquisitive business nature right?

In the last year I have learned how fast a year can go and what can be achieved if you just try. Explaining the last 12 months of my life is another essay altogether. It has been the best and hardest year of my life, uncertainty, sacrifice, success, anguish, fun, elation, growth, love. It’s a roller-coaster I would ride again tomorrow though!

My ambition for the future is to be as happy as possible! This could happen in many ways. For me it’s about continuing to push and challenge myself. I know I can achieve something truly amazing in my life and I will keep trying till the day I look back and say, 'wow Victoria you rock!'

If I could be someone else for the day I would be Karl Lagerfeld. What a man. I think that’s enough said.

In the public eye I believe that role models are all around us. They are the people who appreciate every day, see the positive in every situation, smile through adversity and laugh loudly. If you can have a positive impact on just one person’s life every day then you’re amazing in my eyes.

Got a question for Victoria? You can find her on twitter @arnoldvic or contact her via the Desk Union website.

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