Friday, 14 June 2013

Jennifer Semple of First Class Physio

I first met Jennifer Semple at an event where she stood up to 'pitch' her business, First Class Physio, to a large audience. The opportunity to pitch was open to everyone but the majority took the safe option and stayed in their seats. I could see that Jen was a bit nervous but watched her expression change from 'Eeeek' to 'I've nothing to Lose' to 'I can do this!' I asked Jen to feature on my blog because I really admire her quiet confidence, calm demeanour and 'go for it' attitude. She's the kind of person who is often described as 'worth watching' and for all the right reasons. Let me introduce you.....

Growing up I dreamed of being a wife and a mother. That’s a bit cheesy, but while my older sister knew she always wanted to be a maths teacher (I was the only Primary 3 pupil who knew up to her 8 times table), I never thought of myself in any specific job. I did go through a phase of wanting to be a beauty therapist too but my teachers steered me towards university instead.

My first job technically, was collecting Avon catalogues for my big sister when I was about 14. I don’t remember being paid for that though! Officially, I worked at the Co-Op every Sunday for 10 hours and didn't enjoy it. My second job was much more interesting – at the cinema. I loved it there, and met some lifelong friends.

Other people think that I am intelligent or “a big geek” as my business partner Rachel puts it! I often get asked why I'm smiling, so maybe people think I'm smiley. Or just a little strange…

The achievement I am most proud of is gaining First Class Honours in Physiotherapy. I find it odd myself that my greatest achievement so far is an academic one, but it’s something I worked so hard for and can absolutely count as my own.

Change is something that happens to me without me either instigating or realising it half the time. I'm very much a “let things happen” kind of person, and I usually accept change quite easily.

I’d be lost without company. Other people. I don’t do very well when I'm on my own for long periods, I like conversation too much. It’s not that I feel specifically depressed, but I definitely thrive in busy environments. I'm aware of this now and know when to seek out some company to cheer myself up.

In the last year I have learned how to surf, sort of. I have the theory but not the ability to stand up just yet! I have also learned that the most annoying text message sound (you know, the really irksome “beep-beep-beep beep beep beep-beep-beep” Nokia one?) is actually Morse Code for “SMS”. I'm sure I have learned lots of more useful things but those two stand out.

If I could be someone else for the day I would be Kate Middleton, or the Duchess of Cambridge, or Catherine – mainly to find out how others address her. We actually have some superficial things in common: we’re around the same age, we both have (younger!) men who are in the RAF, and we both were at home in the UK while they were in the Falklands. But her life is otherwise probably completely different and I’d like to experience that, just for one day.

In the public eye I believe that Sue Perkins is a great role model for women because despite being in the public eye, where the temptation to be someone else seems to overcome many people, she always comes across as distinctly herself. She’s funny, she’s smart, she speaks to people the way I imagine we all speak to one another. Actually, she’s normal, and isn't afraid to show it.

My goal for the future is to achieve that elusive work-life balance that everyone talks about. For me this would mean working maximum 5 days a week, and to take up weekend hill-climbing with my fiancé. And be able to surf standing up.

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