Wednesday 17 July 2013

Anna Devitt - Comedian and Actress

Anna Devitt is a funny girl, literally. An actress, comedian and winner of the Scottish Variety Awards Best New Scottish Comedian 2013, she has sold out gigs at the Glasgow International Comedy Festival and received five star reviews for her Edinburgh Fringe Show. Anna’s recent appearance with ‘Truffle’ on Britain’s Got Talent has taken her career to another level and to pinch her own phrase she’s now ‘more popular than Jimmy Choo’s on 50% off day.’ Let me introduce you …

Growing up in Glasgow I dreamed of being a teacher or an actress. I used to make all the kids in my street put on shows for the neighbours and I would host award ceremonies. This desire to perform and teach has continued into my adult life and I now run ‘Laughter Therapy’ workshops with fully qualified therapists to help children and teens boost their self-confidence and laugh their way to a better life.

The best advice I ever got was ‘Enjoy Life’. This pearl of wisdom was written in my Primary 7 dictionary by Miss Maud, my teacher at Barsail Primary School. The other piece of advice that sticks with me was given by my Aunt Denise, ‘Be true to yourself’. Sadly she died when I was 19, taking her own life after a long fight with bi-polar disorder.

Other people think that I am bolshie, go getting and opinionated. This is probably quite true but I’m also a really caring person and I do enjoy hearing more about good things happening to other people than talking about myself all the time!

Change is scary, but the only way to move forward in life. I am currently in a phase of change as I have relocated to London from Glasgow and am starting a new chapter. I perform gigs up and down the country and often find myself in unfamiliar places and situations but that’s goes with the territory of being a comedian, and it’s an exciting step up the career ladder.

I’d be lost without my close friends, both the girl ones and the guys. Friendship is something I place a high value on.

My biggest challenge in my younger years was finding career opportunities due to my lack of high school education. My biggest challenge now is to continue growing as a comic and continue to overcome my fears.

In the last year I have learned that life changes really quickly and that the people who really love and care for you will stand by you whether you’re wrong or right. I really believe that life is way too short to waste doing things you don't enjoy.

The achievement I am most proud of is the first ever show my company, Direct Devitt, produced called "Mammy". It was written by my Aunt Cathie and I got to star alongside my best friends Sharon Rooney and Katrina Lamont and my sister Kathryn. It sold out and went to the Edinburgh and Henley Fringe in 2011 and received five star reviews from the audience. Skinny Mag gave it 3 stars and that incredible response marked a turning point in my career.

My ambition for the future is to inspire young people to go after for their dreams regardless of the start they had in life. My own dream is to have my own talk show, similar to Graham Norton’s but with politicians. I would ask them direct questions without them having preparation time, solely to see them panic. I feel it would get a more honest response. I would also have a section interviewing sellers of the Big Issue because they genuinely are the most interesting people I have ever met. I like real people; they have the stories worth listening to. 

In the public eye I believe Dawn French is a great role model for women because she's from an ordinary background, worked her way up and leads a reasonably normal life. She seems very down to earth and comfortable in her own skin. She's an amazing comedian and writer and she works very hard.

Got a question for Anna? You’ll occasionally find her on twitter @DirectDevitt or contact her via her website.  

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1 comment:

  1. Anna is one of the funniest shows I have been to in Glasgow ...great to see her story in your blog....she is so so funny
